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Checking on the successful ground-layering of my Japanese maple (Ukigumo)
Cloning (Japanese Maple): Ground Layering
A risky repotting of my Japanese Maple (Ukigumo) by cutting off 90% of the roots
Tom's full guide to Ground Layering bonsai #bonsai #bonsaitree #rot #nebari
Turning one Japanese maple (Ukigumo) nursery stock into three bonsais by airlayering
3 Reasons Why Your Japanese Maple Grow Faster In The Ground
Bonsai Ground Layer Success?
Airlayering (groundlayering) my Japanese maple for better surface roots in the future
Japanese Maple Air Layer Update
Ukigumo Floating Cloud Japanese Maple
Taking care of my Japanese acer Ukigumo and repotting.
Update My Japanese Maple Air Layer